Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Unable to configure replication for virtual machine VM_name because group group_name cannot be created. Another virtual machine configured_VM_name}' that has the same instance UUID instance_UUID already exists on protection site source_site_name.


The other site contains old information in the database, and prevents you from configuring  replications. You might see the following error message:

Unable to configure replication for virtual machine VM_name because group group_name cannot be created.
Another virtual machine configured_VM_name}' that has the same instance UUID instance_UUID already exists on protection site source_site_name.


1. Login (SSH) Recovery Site vSphere Replication Appliance.

2. Go to cd /opt/vmware/vpostgres/9.3/bin

3. Take backup of DB ./pg_dump -U vrmsdb -Fp -c > /tmp/DBBackup.bak

4. login on DB ./psql -U vrmsdb

5. Open replciation VMs inventory table.
SELECT a.group_movalue AS "SECONDARY GID", b.name AS "VM Name", 'https://' || c.address || ':8043/mob/?moid=' || a.group_movalue || '&vmodl=1' AS "Link to Paste" FROM secondaryvirtualmachineentity a, virtualmachineentity b, localserverentity c WHERE a.movalue = b.movalue ORDER BY name;

6. Search for VM, which is occurring issue and copy Link to Paste URL of that VM (MOB). which will look like 
7. Now open this link in the browser.
8. Click on destroy in this list.
9. And new window click on Invoke Method.
10. Now go ahead and configure replication for that VM.